Matches statistic
Matches played
5Win rate
60%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
5Win rate
60%Current streak (Old → New)
Joshua ''Snow'' T. is a fighting games player from Huntsville, Alabama, United States.
As a Soulcalibur VI player Snow competed in such tournaments as Kumite in Tennessee 2021, Boominati Battles: Dojo Edition, The Mighty Mooks, NYCalibur Cloud Parsec Edition - NLBC, Soul Calibur 6 PS4 Online Tournament, The End of Days XI PC Tournament, Rowdy Rumble SCVI, WNF2021 Online Edition, Juicy Goes Online - SoulCalibur 6! July 18, 2020!, 4o4 Fridays (PSN), Kumite in Tennessee 2020.
You can follow Snow on Twitter.