Matches statistic
Matches played
10Win rate
43%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
10Win rate
43%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | GiraffeKanklez | 0 :2 | RonTheTryhard |
BO3 | Saiyne | 2 :0 | GiraffeKanklez |
James ''GiraffeKanklez'' Bedwell is an American Soulcalibur VI player from Memphis, Tennessee with Setsuka as main.
GiraffeKanklez competed in such tournaments as Frosty Faustings XIV 2022, Boominati League: Dojo Edition, Northeast Championship 2021, Kumite in Tennessee 2021, The Mighty Mooks, NYCalibur Cloud Parsec Edition - NLBC, Low Kick Online 26: FGC Meetups Fundraiser, Boominati Battles WK 2 and The End of Days VI PC.