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  • Juan Garcia
  • USA

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Juan "PerfecciónGarcia is a Dragon Ball FighterZ competitor from Miami Beach, Florida, USA. Their main in DBFZ is Cell. 

Perfección made their competitive debut at #CellGames Week 1 in 2018 (DBFZ). In the following years, they played DBFZ at such notable events as: 

  • 2019: The Miramar Mix-Up V (5th place), NACL Ranking Tournament April 2019, Arcade Odyssey Locals - DRAGON BALL FighterZ CEO Sponsorship - 4/25/19 (the 3rd place), NACL Qualifier June 2019, The Miramar Mix-Up 6, Immortalize at Pro-Play Games! - 6/24/19 (the 2nd place), CEO 2019 Fighting Game Championships (33rd place), CEOtaku 2019 (7th place).
  • 2020: Tampa Never Sleeps 8, r/DragonBallFighterZ Discord Bi-Weekly #3 (the 1st place), Juicy Goes Online - Dragon Ball Thursdays #3 (the 1st place), Grass Roots 41, The Content Series #3, Downtech Mash 2, King Kai's Colosseum 5, Fight For The 6ix: Season 9, and others. 
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