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  • Adrian Reber
  • USA

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Adrian "Ninja" Reber is an American Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Wii U player who mains Mario in both games.

Ranked 1st on the North Eastern PA Rankings, Ninja is sponsored by No Pause Tournmanents and has an overall set count of 69%. He is a regular at events like Baecation - A Smash Bros Weekly and Hard Read Ultimate.

Ninja has competed in ssbu singles and ranked 2nd at AnimeNEXT 2019, 49th at Savepoint: The PA State Championship, 65th at Frostbite 2020 & Glitch 7 - Minus World, 193rd at Let's Make Big Moves, and 257th at Super Smash Con 2019.

Take a peek at Ninja's Twitch stream here.


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