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  • Matthew Elliott
  • Canada

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Matthew Elliott "MtE" is a Canadian Super Smash Bros player for Angry Burly Bros. In Ultimate, he mains Incineroar and has an overall set count of 57%.

MtE is a regular at Angry Burly Bros Ultimate Weekly and often teams up with Nitro to play Smash Ultimate doubles challenges.

He has also competed in ssbu singles and ranked 17th at Habby Birthday, 25th at Rising Stars at EGLX 2019, 33rd at Frozen Phoenix 2019, 49th at Amuka Smash Cup, 193rd at The Box, and 257th at Get On My Level 2019.

However, MtE was disqualified from Let's Make Big Moves and The Quarantine Series Minor Tournament.

MtE is also a fan of the popular basketball anime - Kuroko no Basuke. Check out his matches here.


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