Matches statistic
Matches played
12Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
12Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
12:50 AMBO3 | Barking_Frog/Joe-J | 2 :0 | Gilthbrim/Martz | ||
12:30 AMBO3 | Gilthbrim/Martz | 2 :1 | Courtalon/Lost1ntime | ||
12:10 AMBO3 | Gilthbrim/Martz | 1 :2 | Angello/SnowRose |
Martin Eykamp, known simply as Martz, is a Smash Ultimate Fox main from Portsmouth, US. He's actively participating in various local and regional weekly and monthly fighting game events, and also entered some big tournaments as a competitor, such as Super Smash Con 2019 and Glitch 8 in 2020. Check out his YouTube channel for some highlights.