Matches statistic
Matches played
21Win rate
53%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
21Win rate
53%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO3 | Zaldan | 0 :2 | MarkTheShark9200 | ||
BO5 | Ren | 3 :2 | MarkTheShark9200 |
BO5 | AcuteMoon | 3 :1 | MarkTheShark9200 | ||
BO5 | MarkTheShark9200 | 3 :1 | Chibi_K |
BO5 | JabhiM | 3 :1 | MarkTheShark9200 | ||
BO5 | MarkTheShark9200 | 2 :3 | Ren |
BO5 | Quaesan | 0 :3 | MarkTheShark9200 | ||
BO5 | MarkTheShark9200 | 3 :0 | Sunny (SA) | ||
BO5 | MarkTheShark9200 | 0 :3 | Sunny (SA) | ||
BO5 | Sunny (SA) | 1 :3 | MarkTheShark9200 |
MarkTheShark is a fighting game player from South Africa who represents Illusion Gaming. He mainly competes in Mortal Kombat 11 but also dabbles in Street Fighter V.
He battled his way to first place at The Kolosseum Global - South and East Africa and has participated in tournaments such as:
Follow MarkTheShark on YouTube.