Matches statistic
Matches played
10Win rate
26%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
10Win rate
26%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
10Win rate
26%Current streak (Old → New)
9:44 PMBO3 | Lugia | 0 :2 | Psylence | ||
9:31 PMBO3 | surge (US) | 2 :0 | Lugia | ||
9:15 PMBO3 | Lugia | 1 :0 | JO_JO_JONATHAN |
5:13 PMBO3 | Lugia | 1 :2 | SSJ-Guil | ||
5:01 PMBO1 | Lugia | 1 :0 | Sicoby | ||
4:24 PMBO3 | Pastel Sweater | 2 :0 | Lugia | ||
4:07 PMBO1 | Lugia | 1 :0 | Vic |
4:00 PMBO3 | Icy_Hot | 2 :0 | Lugia | ||
4:00 PMBO3 | TruBelian | 2 :1 | Lugia |
"Lugia" is a Tekken 7 player from the United States. The gamertag is a tribute to a Pokemon of the same name.
They have participated in tourneys like Wednesday Night Fights 2020 Online Edition and WNF x NorCal Online.
At Bud Light Beer League Tekken West 3, Lugia ranked 33rd. They lost in matches against Icy_Hot in Winners Round 1 and TruBelian in Losers Round 1.