Matches statistic
Matches played
4Win rate
55%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
4Win rate
55%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO3 | ReZo | 1 :2 | |||
BO3 | Sora_J | 1 :2 | |||
BO3 | JoshuaGC | 1 :2 | |||
BO3 | Serenity (CA) | 2 :0 |
KirbyMIgnes is a King K.Rool main, with Kirby and B secondaries, American Super Smash Bros Ultimate player, known for participating in the CUP Smash's $1500 Charity Tournament and ranked 17th place out of 495 entrants.