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  • Canada

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Matches statistic

Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


Kalashnikov's character usage stats

CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Wario50 %10

Opponents’ character usage stats

Piranha Plant
Donkey Kong
Pokemon Trainer
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Piranha Plant25 %4
Donkey Kong67 %3
Pokemon Trainer67 %3

Kalashnikov's matchups



 "Kalashnikov" is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate competitor from Canada. Their main in SSBU is Wario

Kalashnikov's career in competitive Smash began at See Me In Ultimate 72 in 2017 (SSBU). They played SSBU in the following years, taking part in such notable events as: 

• 2020: Zain Weekly #8: Cam Adapter, Limeric's Double Dome, Dads only official wifi tournament, Wario's Smash Down 2020

• 2021: Western Canada ClashSmash the HolidaysBroKen's Shit Talk Sunday, Knights of Smash #31, Last Stock Wifi Weekly #39 (the 1st place), Frame Perfect Series 4: ONLINE, Flat Combats #8, KPU Weekly #77 (the 1st place), CUP Smash #11 (the 5th place), Mega Smash Mondays Online 41, CUP Smash #12 (7th place), Salt Flats 2021 Presented by Telus (17th in singles), Raccoon Cup 2021, Wario's Smash Down 2021 (25th place), and others.