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  • Eita Hoshi
  • Japan

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Playing : 8+
Birthday : Jun 12, 1998 (25)
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Eita "HIKARU" Hoshi (aka Hicaru) is an Ultimate smasher from Osaka, Japan. He represents 8-Lynx and co-mains Pokemon Trainer & Donkey Kong with strong Luigi, Wario and Ridley secondaries.

Ranked 12th on the Japan Player Rankings and 48th on the PGRU 100, HIKARU is rated as one of the best Pokemon Trainer and Luigi players in Japan, and one of the best Donkey Kong players in the world. 

He has competed at tourneys such as 2GG: SwitchFest 2019, Eastern Powerhouse Invitational, EGS Cup 3, EVO 2019, EVO Japan 2020, Frostbite 2019, Karisuma SP3, MaesumaTOP#1, Ryutoukotou, Seibugeki 3, Sumabato SP7, Umebura Japan Major 2019, and Waseda Festival 2019.

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