Matches statistic
Matches played
3Win rate
44%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
3Win rate
44%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
10:20 AMBO3 | Eita | 2 :0 | Shuto | ||
8:10 AMBO3 | Eita | 0 :2 | Bonchan |
Hiroyuki Nagata aka "Eita" is a competitive gamer from Japan who currently represents Shinobism Gaming as both team advisor and player. Eita plays a variety of fighting games including Dragon Ball FighterZ, Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Street Fighter V, and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom. His Street Fighter IV mains are Akuma and Evil Ryu, while his Street Fighter V main is Ken.
Eita Street Fighter matches have often been against memorable foes. Eita won 1st place at Abuget Cup 2016 after winning against Go1, 2nd at E-Sports Festival Hong Kong 2016 after losing to Daigo Umehara, 3rd at South East Asia Major 2016 after losing to Momochi. His estimated total winnings come to the equivalent of $6,851.
Eita also plays the guitar and often jams to game original soundtracks. Check out his YouTube channel here.