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  • Nick V.
  • USA

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Nick V. "Dusty_Carpet" is an American Super Smash Bros player who mains Shulk.

Dusty_Carpet has an overall set count of 83% and is renowned for stealing sets off top smasher Riddles. He is a great online player and even ranked on the Wi-Fi Warrior Rank v4 before being ousted.

Dusty_Carpet mostly competes in ssbu singles but was disqualified from tournaments like EVO 2019, Ultimate Naifu Wars 5, Glitch 8, and Pound Online.

However, he also ranked 1st at Dabuz's Galaxy Sized Journey To EVO, Flamewave Anniversary 2 & Lag Spike: Merry Smashmas, 33rd at The Quarantine Series: Minor Tournament, 65th at Glitch 7 & Let's Make Big Moves, and 257th at Super Smash Con 2019.

Take a peek at Dusty_Carpet's Twitter here or check out his matches here.

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