Matches statistic
Matches played
20Win rate
57%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
20Win rate
57%Current streak (Old → New)
8:00 AMBO5 | Brandon | 3 :2 | Dixon | ||
7:40 AMBO5 | AronManurung | 2 :3 | Dixon | ||
4:08 AMBO3 | Dixon | 2 :0 | Bearp0p | ||
4:03 AMBO3 | Xian | 2 :0 | Dixon |
5:07 AMBO3 | Jed_POTAto09 | 0 :2 | Dixon | ||
4:59 AMBO3 | uP | blim | 1 :2 | Dixon | ||
4:43 AMBO1 | Dixon | :DQ | Dinzca |
5:48 AMBO3 | DublexCity | 2 :0 | Dixon | ||
5:33 AMBO3 | Dixon | 2 :1 | ZaNake | ||
4:48 AMBO3 | Asher | 2 :1 | Dixon |
Dixon "Dixon" Pang is a Street Fighter player from Singapore.
Dixon is one of the best players in his region and played in Street Fighter tournaments for over a decade, staying loyal to his main characters, Balrog and Vega. He competed in Funan IEGC 2010, Hong Kong vs Singapore 3, TGU 2016, Capcom Pro Tour Online 2017-2020, Capcom Pro Tour Asia 2019 Premier, and many other tournaments.
More recently, he won 7th place in EVO 2021 Online SFV - Asia South.