Matches statistic
Matches played
4Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
4Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
3:52 AMBO1 | Flaquito | 1 :0 | BFGC CHEF | ||
3:50 AMBO1 | John Rog | 0 :1 | BFGC CHEF | ||
3:39 AMBO1 | Commander Jesse | 1 :0 | BFGC CHEF | ||
3:33 AMBO1 | BFGC CHEF | 1 :0 | f6zQYGeTi2YqlrU3 |
CHEF is a fighting games competitor from Buffalo, US, who is performing in multiple disciplines, such as Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, Injustice 2, and UNICLR. CHEF appeared mostly on local events and tournaments, like Combo Breaker and NEC 18 in 2017, and DreamHack Anaheim 2020.