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Kenan "B3nan" C. is a Super Smash Bros. player from the United States who mains Pichu in Ultimate. He has competed in several tournaments including:
  • 2021: 1v1 March 23rd Smash Bros Ultimate GameWorks Quick Hits Online Series (9th), Reach New Heights, Ronin Rumble Cup - June 2021, TOT: THE FINALE (7th), Wario's Smash Down 2020 Week #45.
  • 2020: Competition Heats Up! Peak Summer Circuit Monthly #1, Console Combat Online: Smash Ultimate CGL Smash NA South, Florida Arcadian 2020, Helix Gaming Tournament Series, Lagspike 16.
  • 2019: CSL Fall 2019 New England Regional Qualifier - Boston University, Come to Papa 3.

B3nan also organized the B3nan's Big Booty Brawl series. Follow him on Twitch.

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