Matches statistic
Matches played
45Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
45Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Matches played
45Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | Averiey_RiB | 2 :0 | ArmaKu | ||
BO3 | ArmaKu | 0 :2 | Jackie Tran |
BO3 | ArmaKu | 2 :0 | CristyD | ||
BO3 | ArmaKu | 0 :2 | TTV-NG-MishiMatick | ||
BO3 | ArmaKu | 2 :1 | Rheloh | ||
BO3 | ElCidVargas | 1 :2 | ArmaKu | ||
BO3 | Chenzho | 2 :0 | ArmaKu |
9:00 PMBO3 | Buffy | 2 :1 | ArmaKu | ||
8:40 PMBO3 | ArmaKu | 2 :1 | Tuba_king1 | ||
8:20 PMBO3 | ArmaKu | 2 :0 | Chachi |
ArmaKu is a competitive gamer from the United States who specializes in fighting games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Tekken 7.
They competed in dozens of tournaments, most often entering regional weekly tournaments like GEICO Gaming Weekly, Dropkick Mondays and Wednesday Night Fights.
ArmaKu also competed and placed 49th at Bud Light Beer League Tekken West 1 and 193rd at EVO 2019.
At DreamHack Anaheim, ArmaKu placed 9th with T7 with 60% set wins after losing matches against GoWeege and umbrawitch. He also ranked 65th in SSBU singles.