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  • Sweden

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Matches statistic

Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


Alexiad's character usage stats

Android 18
Android 21
Ultra Instinct Goku
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Android 1850 %8
Android 2150 %8
Ultra Instinct Goku50 %8

Opponents’ character usage stats

Adult Gohan
Android 21
Kid Buu
Super Saiyan Blue Goku
Super Saiyan Blue Vegito
Ultra Instinct Goku
Super Baby 2
Teen Gohan
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Adult Gohan33 %9
Android 2133 %9
Kid Buu33 %9
Super Saiyan Blue Goku33 %9
Super Saiyan Blue Vegito33 %9
Ultra Instinct Goku33 %9
Cell100 %6
Super Baby 2100 %6
Teen Gohan100 %6

Alexiad's matchups


The player is not on DF Rankings yet
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Alexiad is a Dragon Ball FighterZ player from Sweden who has competed in tournaments such as:

  • 2021: DBFZ WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP- TENKAICHI ONLINE MASTER CHALLENGE - EUROPE 4 (4th), Red Bull Gaming Sphere London: Online FINALS (11th), SaltyEU Tenkaichi Dojo #1 - Europe 4 (5th).
  • 2020: Double K.O: The Champions, PEAK ARENA 2020, Red Bull DRAGON BALL FighterZ World Tour Finals (97th).
  • 2019: SwedenPhaceOff (Major) (5th), VSFighting 2019 (33rd).
  • 2018: DreamHack Winter (9th), Smash Ultimate Release Tournament Stockholm.