It’s time to unleash the full power of Brawlhalla esports
We certainly have a promising start of 2023 for Brawlhalla. The official Winter Championship is announced for February 3-12. And three pretty big community series re-start in three regions — they happen on January 14-15.
Moose Wars, Moose Mania
It’s a tournament for the US East region.
- 2v2 Moose Mania Tournament — January 14, 5 PM EST
- 1v1 Moose Mania Tournament — January 15, 5 PM EST
The streams are on the Ajmorr2000 Twitch channel.
The previous Moose Wars event was in October 2022. It was called Moose Wars, Monster Mash.
Brawl League: FrostFight 2023
This is a European tournament.
- 1v1 FrostFight — January 14, 3 PM CET
- 2v2 FrostFight — January 15, 3 PM CET
The official Twitch channel to watch the streams is BrawlLeagueTV.
One of the past Brawl League events happened in February 2021. It was Love & War.
South American players can participate in this tournament.
- 1v1 Sábrawldo #67 — January 14
- 2v2 Brawltalha #39 — January 15
The stream is on the EstacaoBH Twitch channel (in Portuguese).
All these events are especially interesting by making the most recent Legend playable. Let’s see what Tezca with his Battle Boots is capable of.
The character was already showcased at Frosty Brawls #2, but now even more players have experience with him.