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Team Falcons Signs Mister Crimson, JoKa & Ghirlanda

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Team Falcons Signs Mister Crimson, JoKa & Ghirlanda
Source: Team Falcons
The organisation has quite serious intentions in the area of thefighting games competitive scene

Team Falcons is an esports and entertainment organization based in the Middle East & North Africa, Europe, and continues to expand rapidly. 

Today it became known that Ghirlanda and JoKa join Team Falcons for the upcoming Tekken World Tour. The team also announced the signing of Mister Crimson, who can rightfully be called one of the best players in Street Fighter nowadays:

Ghirlanda and JoKa already hinted at performing together on Twitter earlier this week, so we'll probably see them under the new tag very soon:

Team Falcons also hosts teams in CS:GOVALORANT, Overwatch, Rocket League, FIFA, Rainbow Six: Siege and PUBG among other titles. Likely, the organization is seriously preparing to conquer another peak.

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