Street Fighter League Japan To Now Feature 2 Divisions

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Street Fighter League Japan To Now Feature 2 Divisions
Street Fighter League Japan is back and bigger than ever!

Street Fighter League Japan returns in July as announced by Capcom. The highly popular league started in 2019 and has only grown every year since then. 

The first season featured 6 teams and has steadily grown with the latest season coming in the next couple of months to feature a whopping 12 teams. Since then, an American and European version of SFL have also emerged. 

The new season of SFL JP comes with significant changes including a two league system which will house 6 teams each. The top teams from each of the leagues (they'll be called League S and League F) will then qualify for the playoffs and then the Grand Final which will produce one winner. 

Each league will produce a total of 30 matches which means that there are at least 60 high level matches to be expected during the season, the most for any Street Fighter League Japan season.

Furthermore, the list of teams to partake in the tournament has been released with some new additions coming as something as a surprise. Crazy Raccoon will play in their first ever Street Fighter League appearance and joining them as first timers will be REJECT, and IBUSHIGIN. 

The full list of teams is as follows:

  • Crazy Raccoon
  • Good 8 Squad
  • Saishunkan Sol Kumamoto
  • CAG Osaka
  • Shinobism Gaming
  • DetonatioN FocusMe
  • Nagoya NTPOJA
  • Hiroshima Team iXA
  • Belc FAV Gaming
  • Yogibo REJECT

Some of the teams have gone through some evolution including VARREL who are technically a new team, but have all the members of Gyogun, making it more or less the same team. Also, Nagoya Oja Body Star now go by the name Nagoya NTPOJA. The teams for each team are yet to be fully confirmed, but we know of some including Hiroshima Team iXA who announced that with the exit of StormKUBO, they will now have Hikaru, Hibiki, ACQUA and Jazzy as the members of the squad.

There is also some  speculation that Tokido will be on Team REJECT rather than FAV and Ryukichi will definitely take a spot on the FAV team. Then there's FUKUSHIMA IBUSHIGIN who should have the likes of Kabe and Kakeru as roster members, but there is nothing confirmed yet. 

More information will be released soon, but all in all, it is exciting times for Street Fighter League Japan fans. 

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