Street Fighter 6 To Receive More Patches In Season 2

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Street Fighter 6 To Receive More Patches In Season 2
Even more changes expected moving forward

Street Fighter 6 feels like a whole new game thanks to the balance patch implemented which went live on the 22nd of May 2024. Since then, a Lily has won Combo Breaker, Zangiefs in Europe are taking legendary rankings, and Paladin's Ryu won the very first Tampa Never Sleeps of the new patch. 

Fans are in for even more excitement as it has now been announced that Street Fighter 6 will no longer follow the one patch a year model they initially proposed and will instead look to do smaller patches in between seasons. 

The announcement was made during a Capcom TV segment where the director and producer of the game, Takayuki Nakayama and Shuhei Matsumoto sat down to discuss some of the new things for Street Fighter 6. Matsumoto said that he  has been thinking not just of the new characters to be added, but also a  bit more frequency  in the battle balance for the game.

Since the stream was in Japanese, we don't have more details like how many patches they plan to do, how often they will do it, and the size of these patches. 

There is also excitement as to the new characters that will join the game especially since fans already knew that Rashid, A.K.I., Ed, and Akuma  were going to be the DLC long before. It is also expected that we get an announcement of who those characters will be. Rumors have swirled that Bison might return at some point, while some have also theorized that the likes of Makoto and C. Viper  are also due a return to the game. 

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