SF6 Announces Sale After Game Awards Win

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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SF6 Announces Sale After Game Awards Win
After a great win, you can now buy the award winning fighter at a reduced cost

Following a well-deserved win at The Game Awards last night, Street Fighter 6 has been announced to be on sale on Steam for anyone who would like to own the game. 

Street Fighter 6 came out in June and has sold over 2 million copies garnering praise from every quarter with the amazing design, new mechanics, and the single player content all appealing to fans. 

You can get Street Fighter 6 for 34% off on Steam.

However, the sale does not extend to the DLC which you'll still need to pay full price for. 

If you are in the mood for older titles, other Street Fighter games are also on sale including Street Fighter V, Ultra Street Fighter IV, and Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. 

All the games are under $10 which is a bargain if you are in the mood for some nostalgia. 

Street Fighter 6 beat out other fighting games including God of Rock, Mortal Kombat 1, NASB 2, and Pocket Bravery to win the award. 

You can check out the full list of winners here.  

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