Pro Players Call Out Capcom Pro Tour Super Region Decisions

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Pro Players Call Out Capcom Pro Tour Super Region Decisions
Capcom's decision to make the UK a super region has received some backlash

The Capcom Pro Tour 2025 website is now live, and more details about the tour for 2025 has been revealed. 

The rules can be found here, and it reveals the offline tournaments that will be holding over the course of the year. 

However, the section that has gotten fans talking is the issue of Super Regions. Super Regions were introduced last season in which certain regions were given an extra spot at Capcom Cup. So, one player who is at the top of the World Warrior region after the five WW tournaments gets a spot, and then there is a regional final, in which the winner also gets into the cup. 

But, with the new format creating 14 spaces for offline tournaments, it means that there are less spots for the World Warrior regions. To compensate for this, there are now less super regions with only four regions having this designation:

  • Japan
  • Asia
  • South-East Asia
  • UK/Ireland

The addition of UK/Ireland has raised a lot of eyebrows with many questioning why that spot wasn't given to the US East which has a lot of strong players and a larger density of people playing the game. 

The reasoning seems to be that there will be offline premiere in the UK while the United States gets three with Combo Breaker, CEO, and Evo. So, to make it up, they decided to give the super region spot to the UK. 

However, beyond that, it has again brought out the topic of the continued exclusion of other parts of Africa, including West and North Africa. 

With the growing pressure, it is likely that something will happen soon, and more African representatives will be able to make their name on the world stage. 

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