Red Bull Gaming Releases LI Joe's Best Roasts From Kumite 2024

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Red Bull Gaming Releases LI Joe's Best Roasts From Kumite 2024
The FGC legend has been immortalized with his own card and video

The Red Bull Kumite concluded over the last weekend with MenaRD winning in convincing fashion and taking the title of Kumite champion. However, one of the most memorable aspects of the tournament were the antics of Long Island Joe, otherwise known as LI Joe, who played the role of one of the attendants of the Battle King. 

He also delivered some of the best roasts of the tournament and some of his stingers were instant classics like his roast of Big Bird who after losing was told to keep his card and 'give it to the better bird', a reference to AngryBird who was unable to make the tournament due to health issues. 

LI Joe intimated that a lot of the things he and RobTV did during the tournament was improvised and that it was really nice of Red Bull to let them play around with their characters like they did. 

In respect of his epic performance, Red Bull released a video which ran down all of LI Joe's roasts which was favorably received by the community. 

This was followed by an upgrade on LI Joe's Red Bull comic-inspired card which they created for all players and talent involved in the Kumite event. LI Joe's name now read LI Jerk which got a laugh out of most of the community. 

It was all good fun and now we can look forward to details on the second Kumite event of the year which we know will happen in France. 

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