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Luminosity Makes Moves Miami 2023: SSBU Singles Results

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Luminosity Makes Moves Miami 2023: SSBU Singles Results
Another big clash between Sparg0 and Sonix

Luminosity Makes Moves Miami 2023, or the Florida Supermajor (some people called it this way), gathered almost four hundred players, but in the end, we've seen the familiar rivalry. Edgar "Sparg0" Valdez and Carlos "Sonix" Pérez once again met in the grand finals. Earlier last week, in the Coinbox #81, the Mexican player was stronger, but this time, the situation got even more complicated. First, they faced each other in the winners' finals, and Sonix was able to get a rematch. But in the grand finals, two full sets were required, and both times Sparg0 was victorious.

Here is your top 8 of the Luminosity Makes Moves Miami 2023 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles bracket:

  • 1. Sparg0
  • 2. Sonix
  • 3. Dabuz
  • 4. SHADIC
  • 5. Kola
  • 5. MuteAce
  • 7. Zomba
  • 7. Maister

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