Evo Japan 2024: MenaRD Bags First Ever Evo Win

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Evo Japan 2024: MenaRD Bags First Ever Evo Win
The bull showed again why he is the most consistent Street Fighter 6 player

MenaRD has finally gotten his first Evo win after defeating Kakeru 3-0 in Grand Final at Evo Japan 2024 to win the tournament. 

Mena was in awesome form defeating Ryukichi, Lexx and then Kakeru in a nearly flawless run. The win makes it Mena's first Evo win and now he has every major tournament under his belt including Capcom Cup, Street Fighter League World Championship and an Evo. 

Kakeru for his part came through the losers' bracket after losing to Ryukichi earlier. He had to overcome Vxbao, and then got the runback against Ryukichi which he won before taking down Lexx to face MenaRD.

Lexx, the brother of newly signed Clodud9 player and Level Up Expo winner, JB, was a surprise package at Evo Japan and making it into third place was no mean feat, but one he was able to accomplish with an aggressive Guile that was great to watch.

Along with his win, MenaRD has also gotten a spot at the Esports World Cup for Street Fighter 6. As a matter of fact, everyone in top 6 is qualified for the event which means Lexx, Kakeru, Ryukichi, Vxbao, and Moke are all also in that tournament. 

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