Capcom has released a statement updating the community license agreement that was announced back in March. In a bid to reduce the stress of obtaining a community license, Capcom created a blanket community license agreement that made the application process easier. Unfortunately, in its effort to define what a community event is, Capcom placed certain restrictions that only made it more difficult for tournament organizers to run Street Fighter V at their events.
One of such prohibitive provisions was the limiting of community prize pools to $2000 an event. There were also other problems, and you can check out our article about that here. Capcom revisited the issue in a blog post and extended some sympathy for the issue. In the blog post, which you can read here, they claimed that the purpose was to make the life of TOs easier instead of harder and that the use of the license was to properly differentiate community events from commercial events, which would need a different type of license.