Brawlhalla Ranked Season 29: Let’s Fight!

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Brawlhalla Ranked Season 29: Let’s Fight!
Have you gained enough Elo in the previous season to experience the shock of soft Elo reset?

A new competitive season has started in Brawlhalla. The transition was gapless — from Season 28 to new Ranked Season 29.

Not so much changed for players with personal Elo lower than 1400. Only the stats on wins have been reset.

But if your Elo was 1400+ in 1v1 and 2v2 personal rating, you will have: 1400 + (Old Elo – 1400) / (3 – (3000 – Old Elo) / 800).

Team and Legend ratings are calculated in this way:

  • Elo under 2,000 = (Elo + 375) / 1.5
  • Elo over 2,000… well here is no formula; the developers just promise to “aggressively bring you back down”

Brawlhalla Ranks give the players this important feeling of progress, reaching new tiers. But to be honest, they are rather practical tools to face opponents of relatively the same level — for having the max fun in online matchmaking.

Still, for skilled players, soft Elo resets are an extra reason to jump into matches and reclaim their status. Does the ranking motivate you to play Brawlhalla more?

Top-level competition happens rather at esports tournaments. such as the recent event DreamHack Valencia. Watching such matches may be really helpful for your personal progress in the game — to absorb fighting tricks for your character and understand potential opponents better.

The next big Brawlhalla esports event is right around the corner — Summer Championship happens in five regions on July 29-30 (1v1) and August 5-6 (2v2). Stay tuned to DashFight for more info.

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