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Brawlhalla: Loki is Here! First Impressions

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Brawlhalla: Loki is Here! First Impressions
Pic Source: Brawlhalla on YouTube
The god of mischief loves platform fights. Will you take him to many fun matches?

The Brawlhalla community had little time to recover from the excitement of the initial reveal and the signature feature breakdown — and a couple of days later, Loki is already in the game.

Sure, time is needed to figure out what the character is all about. Still, the initial period with Loki is pretty fun, and his Sigs feel pretty powerful. I personally got destroyed a few times in the Experimental mirror matches — experienced players perform miracles already, and their level will be even more impressive. Let’s wait to see Loki at pro Brawlhalla tournaments!

Some cool tricks have already been published on socials, alongside general impressions on the new Legend. 

Swirft and amtays have coined an impressive team combo with Loki:

Pro players share some thoughts on Brawlhalla Loki.

It feels like some nerfs may come for Loki in the near future. Is this the Tezca situation again?

What do you think about Loki?

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