A Cool Corner Combo Has Been Discovered for Skullgirls Marie

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A Cool Corner Combo Has Been Discovered for Skullgirls Marie
Can you believe this character is still in Alpha?

It’s been just around a day since Marie was added to Skullgirls, and dedicated players already cook something impressive with her.

One very interesting clip has been shared by oddberry, a Skullgirls players and content creator.

We can see Marie dealing 8.5k damage in the corner. The author expects this combo to be universal (ok, almost universal).

Some players from the Skullgirls community are quite hyped by Marie.

The player also participates in esports tournaments, such as Frosty Faustings XV. Here is another Marie clip to help you make you even more interested.

Skullgirls will have a community tournament at East Coast Throwdown 2023. Stay tuned to DashFight for more info about it and other Skullgirls esports events.

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