Matches statistic
Matches played
3Win rate
33%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
3Win rate
33%Current streak (Old → New)
YO-1 is a fighting game player from California, United States.
They finished on the 9th place in Smash Ultimate Summit 3 and on the 17th place out of 59 in WNF2020 x Orange County Episode 2.
YO-1 has competed at several tourneys including in True Combo Thursdays, SoCal Chronicles, S P L A S H : A SoCal Smash Bros Pool Party Event and Weds Night Fights x Orange County Fall 2019 4.1.
Also they competed at weekly tournaments and attained decents rankings in Hollywood Action Tuesdays and Mega Smash Mondays.
YO-1 likes to draw and take photos.