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  • Jason Wickman
  • Canada

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Jason "Yaya" Wickman is a Canadian fighting games player from British Columbia, who competes in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Guilty Gear -Strive-, Skullgirls 2nd Encore, King of Fighters XV, BlazBlue: Central Fiction & Cross Tag Battle, Melty Blood: Type Lumina, and Vampire Savior.

Yaya has also participated in tournaments such as Vancouver Battle Royale: Resurrection, One More Once!, UBC Cup 2017, Northwest Majors IX-X, Battle of BC 2-3, Trinity 2018-2019, Port Priority 3, Combo Breaker 2018 (placed 7th in Skullgirls), Don't Park on the Grass 2018, The Pinnacle 2018-2019, Combo Breaker 2019, Heroes Vs. Villains 2019, and various smaller tournaments.