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XDarkElite is an American competitive Mortal Kombat player who mains Skarlet and represents MCG. He also plays Injustice 2.

XDarkElite is a mostly online player. He has competed in MK 11 at tourneys such as Frosty Faustings XIII 2021 - Online, Kombat Kronicles Season 2 Tournament, LightningCast Gaming Xbox Pro Competition, Champions of the Realms II PS4 NA, The Dittle Dome, THE FREAKSHOW(2vs2), The Junkyard Brawl, The Kolosseum - Ultimate, The Nightmare Series, The Pit: King of the Kytinn. He also won 5th place at The PRIDE Event: MK11 with a 60% set win rate.

Follow XDarkElite on Twitch to watch him play.