

  • Nick Valdez
  • USA

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Nick "ValdeezyValdez is a Tekken 7 competitor from IndianaUSA. Their main in T7 is Kuma, and they also play Panda as a secondary.

Valdeezy made their competitive debut at Spudsport v19.09 in 2019 (T7), where they took 5th place. In the following years, they played T7 at such notable events as: 

• 2020: Tekken 7 - PC - 2PM at Sea Salt Online #9, WNF2020 Online Edition Episode 36, ICFC NA PRE-SEASON 1, ICFC NA SEASON 1.

• 2021: Bogus Journeys Tournament Series #3, ICFC NA SEASON 2, LUYG Dojo #1, Anakin Open, IRON SHERPA ONLINE-PC- INVASION LEAGUE S1, Tastebuds Bout: Blue Stuff Battle, Ronin Rumble: Tekken 7 Online Dojo Beta, EQNX Online Dojo, IRON SHERPA ONLINE-PC- INVASION LEAGUE S1, $400 FIGHTING GAMEWORKS TUESDAYS - JUNE 8TH, Romanjelly's Colosseum #6, $600 FIGHTING GAMEWORKS TUESDAYS - JUNE 15TH, Bud Light Beer League 2021, and others.