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  • Aidan McNihol
  • Canada

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Matches statistic

Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


Title's character usage stats

Wii Fit Trainer
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Villager100 %2
Wii Fit Trainer0 %2

Opponents’ character usage stats

CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Banjo&Kazooie100 %2
Villager0 %2

Title's matchups



Aidan "Title" McNihol is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate competitor from Canada. Their main in SSBU is Wii Fit Trainer

McNihol's career in competitive Smash began at Flamewave Neo #92 in 2020 (SSBU). They continued playing Ultimate in the following years, taking part in such notable events as: 

• 2020: Flamewave Neo #93, Drago's Late Night Wifi #2, ECLIPSE #117, The Choco Special, Night Kids Smash Attack (4th place), Flamewave Neo #95 (9th place), Mega Smash Mondays Online 4, Vegas Games, SmashForce Weekly #5 (9th place), Free'd Up, Mega Smash Mondays 9 (33rd in singles), Don't Touch Your Face #10 (the 3rd in singles), SuSL 4: The Mash Awakens (5th in singles), Call for the Gods: Season 1 Week 1 (the 3rd in singles), The Salad Online 20 (7th in singles), Smash Galaxy #13 (the 1st in singles), rm8 Wifi Tournament #6 (the 1st in singles).

• 2021: Zain Weekly #36: Happy New Year's From ZG! (4th place), Canakrn's Tournament #2, Frame Perfect Series 4: ONLINE, Fight To The Finish Ultra #31 ft. Doubles [SEASON 3 PREMIERE] (7th in singles).