Matches statistic
Matches played
8Win rate
41%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
8Win rate
41%Current streak (Old → New)
BO5 | himwy/ero | 0 :3 | jerryK/thotot | ||
BO5 | jerryK/thotot | 2 :3 | Vortex/sire | ||
BO5 | jerryK/thotot | 0 :3 | Tiger/KeithThePooPoo |
Aaron "thotot" Mandel is a competitive Brawlhalla player from Singapore who is known for participating in the Southeast Asia - Brawlhalla World Championship 2021 tournament and ranked 9th place out of 90 entrants in the doubles event.
Thotot has participated in other Brawlhalla tournaments with notable achievements in events such as Rushdown Revolt Alpha Season 2.4 Asia (7th place), SEA-food Saturdays: Redux (7th place), Kowlhalla SEA #4 (2nd place), and Aus SEA Open 2: Southeast Asia (5th place).