Matches statistic
Matches played
13Win rate
43%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
13Win rate
43%Current streak (Old → New)
BO5 | DolaN/GTG | 1 :3 | ` Le Plum_/Yunpyo | ||
BO5 | Tiger/KeithThePooPoo | 3 :1 | ` Le Plum_/Yunpyo | ||
BO5 | ` Le Plum_/Yunpyo | 0 :3 | DolaN/GTG |
BO5 | himwy | 3 :2 | ` Le Plum_ | ||
BO5 | ` Le Plum_ | 1 :3 | KeithThePooPoo |
` Le Plum_ is a competitive Brawlhalla player from Thailand who is known for participating in the IBC '21 June Championship tournament and ranked 9th place out of 109 entrants in the doubles event.
` Le Plum_ has participated in other Brawlhalla tournaments with notable achievements in events such as Southeast Asia - Brawlhalla World Championship 2021 2v2 (7th place), Southeast Asia - Autumn Championship 2021 (7th place), and Eric's Cereal Showdown (3rd place).