
The Phantom

  • Danilo Petrillo
  • UK

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Birthday : Jul 25, 1985 (39)
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Danilo Petrillo, also known as "The Phantom," is a competitive gamer from the United Kingdom. He is a member of Epsilon Project and plays titles such as Tekken 7 and Mortal Kombat 11.

The Phantom competed and won 1st place at TwitchTv: DarkSonicUK Online Tournaments 001 & 002, 2nd at WSO Open: Tekken 7 Dojo event @ Red Bull Gaming Sphere, 5th at Celtic Throwdown 2019, 7th at The Big Yin, 9th at TWT - CLASH OF THE OLYMPIANS & VSFighting 2019, 17th at BERLIN TEKKEN CLASH 2019 & TEKKEN ONLINE CHALLENGE OPEN TOURNAMENT EU West, and 25th at Fighting Games Challenge.

Find The Phantom on Twitch or Twitter.