Matches statistic
Matches played
10Win rate
52%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
10Win rate
52%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
10Win rate
52%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | Teofik | 0 :2 | Mob_Aexw | ||
BO3 | Teofik | 2 :0 | Guts (Louis H.) | ||
BO3 | lexbox | 1 :2 | Teofik | ||
BO3 | Boomi | DQ : | Teofik | ||
BO3 | Teofik | 2 :0 | John (KIT 2019) | ||
BO3 | Melee | 1 :2 | Teofik | ||
BO3 | Namefireball | 2 :0 | Teofik |
Alfonso "Teofik" Marcus is a Smash Bros. player from Spring Hill, Tennessee, United States.
They competed in Kumite in Tennessee 2017 and 2019, Midwest Championships 2017, DreamHack Atlanta 2017, TNLS: Dr. Copter Saga, Anchor Down Smash, Tupelo Titan Throwdown 2, Triforce Friday, KIT Summer Bash 2018-2019, 2GG: Hyrule Saga, The Cookeville Cup 3, Off The Rails, Scenic Smash 1-2, and Vany_LAN.