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  • Alex Fernandez
  • USA

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Alex "StrifeFernandez is a Super Smash Bros. competitor and tournament organizer from Houston, TexasUSA. His key disciplines are Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where he mains Cloud. 

Fernandez owns Underground Gaming - an esports company specialized in video game events and tournaments. 

Strife's career in competitive Smash began at IGX - International Gaming Expo in 2017 (SSBWU). He played SSBWU in the following years, taking part in such notable events as: 

• 2017: Clutch City Clash 2, Austin's Really Feeling It #19 Ft. Locus

• 2018: Frostbite 2018, No Fun Allowed 2, 2GG: Hyrule Saga, Austin's Really Feeling It -- Smash Ultimate, Smash Fight Club.

Since late 2018, Strife has been playing SSBU. He competed in it at such events as:

• 2019: TGC Returns, Frostbite 2019, 2GG: Prime Saga, Mega Smash Mondays 185, Playing with Fire, Just Play, Low Tier City 7, Super Smash Con 2019, Standoff 2019, Overly Caffeinated 2 (the 1st place), Super Ultimate Shockwave 51 (the 3rd place), Smash Fight Club 206 (the 3rd place). 

• 2020: Defend The Odyssey, Genesis 7, Super Smash Fight Club 2, Frostbite 2020 (33rd place in doubles), LSG Birthday Bash (the 1st place), Dance Floor Beatdown! #1, Le'Veon Bell and Hungrybox Present: The Box.

• 2021: Saloon Smash Sunday 15!, elYte local #5, Houston Tech Rodeo FGC Showcase, and others. 

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