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SoronaJo is an American Super Smash Bros player from St. Loius, Missouri, USA. He is known for participating in the Frosty Faustings XII 2020 tournament where he ranked 49th place out of 212 entrants in the Super Smash Bros Ultimate event.

SoronaJo mains Pokemon Trainer with Mii Gunner co-main in SSBUltimate, he also competes in Tekken 7 and Dragon Ball FighterZ, he has participated in other LAN and online tournaments like Midwest Mayhem, Smash'N'Splash, Frosty Faustings IX 2017 and X 2018, Super Smash Con 2017 and 2018, Frostbite 2018, Smash Out 2019, Bamboo Battles: Hibernation Arc and Goonya Fighter STL Online.

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