
Sunset Radiance

  • Monica Roche
  • USA

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Playing : 8+

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Monica "Sunset Radiance" Roche is an American fighting games player from New Hall, California, USA. She made her competitive debut at the CEOtaku 2016 tournament where she ranked 33rd place out of 70 entrants in the Skullgirls 2nd Encore event.

Sunset Radiance also competes in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Dragon Ball FighterZ and Vampire Savior. She has also participated in both LAN and online tournaments like Frosty Faustings IX 2017, X 2018, XI 2019 and XII 2020, Northwest Majors IX, Combo Breaker 2017, 2018 and 2019, CEOtaku 2017 and 2018.