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Sandy (US) | Sandbag

  • Bryce Burch
  • USA

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Playing : 8+
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Bryce Burch, also known as "Sandy," "Sandbag," or "Fueg0" is a Super Smash Bros player from the United States. He mains Mega Man but has played a variety of characters including Young Link, Pokemon Trainer, Toon Link, Mario, Roy, Lucina, and Captain Falcon among others.
Ranked 3rd in Iowa Ultimate Power Rankings, Sandy has competed at tourneys such as Be Mine?, Frostbite 2020, Hitpoint Online, 100 Mega Man EXTRAVAGANZA, Overextend, Paradigm Shift, Smash'N'Splash 5, and The Thunderdome but was disqualified from matches at Frosty Faustings XII 2020 and Shine 2019.
He has helped organize several tournaments including Iowa Melee/Ultimate Fall 2019 Arcadian and Star KO: DSM Melee/Ultimate Monthly. Check out his Twitch channel and keep up with DashFight to learn of his future exploits!
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