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  • Remzi Zayid
  • USA

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Birthday : Jul 28, 1992 (31)
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Remzi Zayid, simply known as "Remzi," is a Super Smash Bros player from the United States who represents EZG eSports. He has also gone by the gamertags "BengalsRZ" and "VaBengal".

Remzi ranked 1st on the MD/VA Smash 4 Power Rankings in Feburary 2016 and held various ranks in the following years but has since dropped out of the lists. He mains Lucina in Smash Ultimate and Zero Suit Samus in Smash Wii U. He won recognition for having defeated top contenders like Mew2King, Mr.E, and Seagull Joe in SSB4.

Remzi is a regular at events like The Grind Fridays and Ultimate @ Xanadu. He has also competed and placed 7th at Ultimate Naifu Wars 2, 65th at Glitch 8, 193rd at The Box, 257th at Pound 2019, and 385th at Super Smash Con 2019.

Take a peek at Remzi's Twitter here.

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