Matches statistic
Matches played
9Win rate
92%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
9Win rate
92%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Matches played
9Win rate
92%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | PapaGuaty | 2 :0 | |||
BO3 | PapaGuaty | 2 :0 | |||
BO3 | PapaGuaty | 2 :0 | |||
BO3 | tarotimeFL | 1 :2 | |||
BO5 | PapaGuaty | 3 :0 |
Jorge "PapaGuaty" Guaty is a competitive esports player from Davie, Florida in the US. Guaty's key discipline is Street Fighter V, in which he mains Birdie. In some circles of fellow SFV players, he is known as "Grandmaster Birdie" and is regarded as one of the best Birdie players in North America.
PapaGuaty's first competitive experiences is linked to CEO 2017 (SFV). Shortly after that, he took the 2nd place in The Miramar Mix-Up IV in the same discipline. In 2019, he won The Miramar Mix-Up 6. Guaty is also a victor of Smash Conference United (SFV) in 2019.