Matches statistic
Matches played
36Win rate
72%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
36Win rate
72%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO1 | Freenix Wright | DQ : | NovaSpec | ||
BO3 | Poppa Riggs | 0 :2 | NovaSpec | ||
BO3 | RushdownV2 | 2 :1 | NovaSpec | ||
BO3 | NovaSpec | 2 :0 | A4_Rob | ||
BO5 | Egotistical Raichu | 0 :3 | NovaSpec | ||
BO5 | Mr_MadGear | 2 :3 | NovaSpec | ||
BO5 | NovaSpec | 3 :0 | RushdownV2 | ||
BO5 | Narukami | 1 :3 | NovaSpec | ||
BO5 | Dee_Ancer | 3 :2 | NovaSpec |
2:30 AMBO3 | Luigi | 2 :0 | NovaSpec |
Axel "NovaSpec" Bailey is an American competitive fighting games player, currently representing Crescent Esports.
NovaSpec is a F.A.N.G. main in Street Fighter V but also competes in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Guilty Gear Strive, Virtua Fighter 5 and has taken part in lots of local, regional, and online events since 2016 when he debuted at Community Effort Orlando in the SFV tournament.
NovaSpecs' most notable results to date are 13th place at Red Bull Proving Grounds Online - August 2016, 3rd place at South Louisiana Major 2019, 7th place at Kumite in Texas 2019, and 13th place at CPT Online 2020 North America West 2.
Follow NovaSpec on Twitch to watch him play.