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Lord Akuma

  • USA

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Playing : 7+
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Lord Akuma is an American fighting games player from Colombia, South Carolina, USA. He made his online competitive debut at the 2016 Kombat Cup Week #1 tournament where he ranked 65th place out of 333 entrants in the Mortal Kombat XL event.

He has since participated in other LAN and online events like DreamHack Atlanta 2017 and 2019, Final Round 2018 and 2019, Mortal Kombat Pro Kompetition Online Cup - NA East 2019, Legend Kombat PS4, The Kolosseum and Kombat Island #3.

Lord Akuma mains Kitana in Mortal Kombat 11, He also competes in Injustice 2 and Dragon Ball FighterZ.


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