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  • Dominique Williford
  • USA

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4Dominique "LoCO" Williford is a fighting games competitor from La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA. Their key disciplines are Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where they main R.O.B. LoCO is also known to play Street Fighter V and Tekken 7.

Williford began playing Smash competitively at Tipped Off 11 (SSBWU) in 2015. Their later notable appearances at SSBWU tournaments include: CEO 2016 (193rd place in singles), where they also played T7 and SFV, Gwinnett Brawl (October 2016) (5th place in singles), Kumite In Tennessee 2017, FINAL ROUND 20 in 2017 (4th place), Clash of the Carolinas in 2017 (13th place in singles), Dragoncon 2018 Gaming Tournaments (7th place) and DreamHack Atlanta 2018 (65th place). 

LoCO has played SSBU at such events as Gwinnett Brawl: January 2019 (9th place), Retro Arena 64 in 2019, Frostbite 2019, Smash'N'Splash 5 in 2019, Overextend in 2019, Frostbite 2020, The Quarantine Series in 2020, Mega Smash Mondays Online 48 in 2020 and others. 

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