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Aura Wolf

  • USA

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Aura Wolf is Super Smash Bros. competitor from St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA. His key disciplines are Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where he mains Falco, and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

The earliest available records of Aura Wolf's competitive experience refer to Thracia77Swiss and The King of Dankness (SSBWU) on June 5th, 2016, where he took 2nd and 1st places, respectively. The following year, Aura Wolf took the 1st place at OnettSquad Mega Monthly 5 (SSBWU).

Later on, he played SSBU at such events as The Counterpick #22 (2019) - 5th place; GameWorks Presents - Weekend Warmup #10 (2019) - 3rd place; Overextend (2019) - 9th place in SSBU doubles; L̶g̶s̶ SCSU Monthly #7 (2019) - 1st place; Granite City Smash @ LGS #9 (2019) - 1st place; St. Cloud Summit 2020 - 1st place; No Rest Late Night Wifi 3 (2020) - 1st place. 

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